What is Passover?

Passover (Pesach) is an eight day Jewish Festival that usually falls in March / April. It commemorates the Jewish people’s redemption from slavery in Egypt over 3300 years. The Torah in Exodus (12:15-20) and Deuteronomy (16:3) prohibits us from eating, owning and benefiting from chametz (leaven bread) during Pesach and specifically commands us to eat matza (unleavened bread). Leaven bread refers to any one of the five grains which has been allowed to ferment. Even a tiny amount is problematic, which is why we do not use our year-round utensils to prepare and eat food on Passover. Ideally we should have a dedicated set of utensils for Passover, but if this is not possible certain items can be kashered.

Jewish matzo Bread on a Linen napkin

  1. Any food or beverage that is made from the five species of grain (wheat, oats, rye, barley and spelt) or from a mixture of these grains is prohibited on Passover (except for matzah).
  2. The matzah (unleavened bread) which we are commanded to eat on Passover is baked under controlled and supervised conditions which include the milling and baking process. From the time water comes in contact with the flour, the product must enter the oven within 18 minutes, as from this time (under normal conditions) the dough will not rise (and become chametz).
  3. Any food or beverages that are made from kitniyot (legumes/pulses) are not permitted to Ashkenazi Jews on Passover e.g. beans, corn, mustard, peas, rice, soya, starch, castor sugar/icing sugar, certain citric acids, dextrose, glucose etc.
  4. Cakes and biscuits for Passover are baked from potato flour or matzah meal.
  5. Factories which produce food and beverages for Passover have their ingredients carefully checked, the factory must be kashered and the whole process must be supervised by a mashgiach (supervisor) from beginning to end. Each product must have our special Kosher for Passover (KFP) logo.

Pesach Greenlist 2024

Products that don’t need a special Pesach hechsher Download Green List

Pesach Kashering Guide

Ideally, one should have dedicated crockery and utensils for Pesach, but if not, Halacha (Jewish law) allows for certain items to be kashered.

VIEW FULL Passover Kashering Guide
There are two basic methods of Kashering
  • Fire There are two processes:
    1. LIBUN GAMUR Until red hot or equal to that temperature
    2. LIBUN KAL Light burning
  • Water There are three processes:
    1. HAGALAH Immersing items into vigorously boiling water, i.e.water with large bubbles on the surface
    2. IRUY 1 Pouring
    3. IRUY 2 Pouring boiling water from any container in which it was boiled

Notices & Updates

Sale of Chametz

Sale of Chametz

On Passover, we are commanded not to eat, benefit or own chametz. Chametz is food containing grain that has been allowed to rise (ferment). Common chametz items include bread, cakes, breakfast cereals, pastas, many liquors and more. Any chametz that was owned by a Jew during Passover is forbidden even after Passover ends. This applies even if the chametz is locked up and out of sight. Therefore, if you cannot use up all their chametz before Passover, you can sell the food to a non-Jew before Passover. After the holiday, the non-Jew sells it back and it can once again be eaten.

Please ensure this form is completed no later than the time set out on the form. Chametz that you have sold but is still in your home must be locked away or sealed for the duration of Passover. Please wait till 1 hour after Passover has ended before eating chametz that had been sold to allow for its repurchase from the non-Jew.


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